Wikipedia Articles

WhiteHatWiki Insights

Wikipedia Reliable Sources Policy: What counts as a “reliable source” on Wikipedia?

The use of reliable sources constitutes one of the Five Pillars of Wikipedia. Anyone who contributes to Wikipedia should understand how to use reliable sources as the foundation of their input. Attempting to edit Wikipedia – either by making changes to existing pages or creating a new page altogether – without the proper use of reliable sources will signal to editors that you haven’t taken the time to research Wikipedia policies.

Paid Wikipedia Editor

Paid Wikipedia Editors: Dos & Don’ts

Wikipedia consultants are not all alike. Only a handful of “white hats” go out of their way to strictly follow Wikipedia policy for paid editors,

Can I Edit a Wikipedia Page About My Company?

Learn why you should never edit the Wikipedia page about your company. But when you have a conflict of interest, you can propose independent edits for review.